Focusing this month on things I love....
#16 I love vacation.
I love thinking about it. Watching Aaron plan for it with his spreadsheets :) I truly enjoy planning fun things for the kids during the trip. I always make goodie bags for the occaision. The boys totally look for these goodie bags now. As we drive out of the neighborhood...they are already wondering what is in the goodie bags!
Vacation. I love it. It is such a treat to get away from the every day rush and pause a little. And I like when I am allowed to pause.
I love being a mom.
The hardest thing in my life...but the most rewarding. Hard...because it means so much. A mom is a comfort. A mom is safety. A mom is love. A mom is tough. A mom can smile. A mom can cry...but mostly, a mom is constant. A love that never dies. A mom makes you strong...
I love my boys. I get to be their mommy! Wow! God has entrusted these two precious lives to me. What pressure! :) What an honor! I pray that I can be all I need to be for them. Living by example. The catch is....some times I lead the correct way....and sometimes I do not. Sometimes I gotta say...."hey, I screwed up." I dont really like those times. I guess we all have those times. I know that God has a plan for them. Aaron and I are just assisting Him. And as much as I love them....I realize that God loves them more.

I know that this is shallow...but Disney rocks! I have such fond memories of my family at Disney. What a fun place. I want to go back...and go back often!! I smile every time I think of our vacation there, summer 2008. I took tons of pictures. I will never forget how wonderful our family time was at Disney!!

I love birthdays. Yesterday, Feb 20th, was Josh's birthday. He is seven! My baby boy is 7 years old. I love seeing him smile. It takes my breath away when he giggles and his eyes light up with joy. I hope that my kids are enjoying their childhood. Funny thing about dont really appreciate it until you have grown beyond it....
My bed.
I love my own bed. There is nothing like jumping in my bed when I am tired and snuggling up in the covers. My down comfortor and cool, soft sheets make me happy. Now, if I could just cure my insomnia and really get rest for once. Some day.
#21 love a bed with a pillow barrier sometimes, too :)
ReplyDelete#18 I love being a mom too - but get down on myself for flipping out on my kids sometimes. I wish I didn't do that.
#17 I bet I would have loved your mom. She made an incredible woman of her daughter, meaning that she was one herself :)