The boys got 2 early Christmas Presents this year. Baby Guinea Pigs, named Butterfinger and Oliver. Butterfinger is 3 weeks old....and Oliver is 6 weeks old. It is so neat how different their personalities are. Oliver is very verbal... making all sorts of noises. And Butterfinger is calm and relaxed. Just sits in your hand...and chills. They are both so adorable. The boys love them already....and so do I. (still trying to fill some of the void that our Golden Retriever, Alex, left a few years ago. - since we are not in puppy mode right now.) ALSO...our sweet Holland Lopped Bunny died last weekend. Coen was devastated. I was sad too...we loved him so! He was like a puppy. Always wanting help and to lay under the dining room table. He has left a void as well. So, these little guinea pigs will be very loved.

Butterfinger lives in Coen's room.
Butterfinger lives in Coen's room.
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