Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Living In The Moment this is my first actual Blog Spot. I mean, I have blogged before...but is serious. A BLOG. What pressure :) I have created this help me to be more aware of the moment. I have 2 beautiful boys...and now that my younger son is about to enter Kindergarten...I am very aware of how quickly the time is flying by. So, here is to future blogging about daily conversations and precious moments with my sweet children, my amazing husband...and my dear family and friends! May we each find time in our busy days to see Christ blanketing our paths with favor!
Thank you, God, for amazing moments!


  1. WELCOME!!!
    Wait until people are like "Hey, you need to blog. You haven't done it in a few days."
    I hope you enjoy it!
    Love ya!

  2. Yay!

    I am so excited:-) Now when we are together we can blog side by side and really make the guys laugh at us:-)

    Love the picture of the boys... can't wait to see more from Disney- hint hint.

    Love you XOXO
