Thursday, June 2, 2011
So, I will be the first to admit, I am not a morning person.
Just. not.
I crave good sleep and never get it. (thanks, Insomnia :P)
So, I am always really sleepy in the morning.
This morning...has been different.
Driving back from taking the boys to school...I put in a music cd that a friend of mine recently released.
I listened to the first few, good lyrics, Anthony!
Then, the song entitled, Dance With Me, came on.
My hands are shaking like a leaf,
My mind is racing, Lord, it wont sleep.
It's just been so long since Ive felt my heart beat,
So I need You, Lord to sing over me....
"Ive heard it said You're all I need, and here in Your arms is where Im complete, So I need the Calmer of Storms to calm my raging sea, So wont You come and dance with me...So wont You come and dance with me"
Now I can feel the weights fall apart
Now I can hear my beating heart
Cause, this was Your plan right from the be where we are...
"Ive heard it said You're all I need, and here in Your arms is where Im complete, So I need the Calmer of Storms to calm my raging sea, So wont You come and dance with me...So wont You come and dance with me"
As You take me hand -in- hand,
Alone on the sand and you walk with me.
Its there I can finally see,
Who I'm meant to be
As we dance forevermore.
"Ive heard it said You're all I need, and here in Your arms is where Im complete, So I need the Calmer of Storms to calm my raging sea, So wont You come and dance with me...So wont You come and dance with me"
Instantly, I felt close to God.
Just calmly in my mini van...I could relate with this singer...and I thought... "Hey, I have been there...wait a minute...I am there NOW".
This song took my racing mind to the scripture in Zephaniah 3:17 - (NKJV)
17 The LORD your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
And this morning, right in this girls mini-van, HE did just that.
As I got home, I went out and watered my flowers. I. love. flowers.
They looked as sleepy as I felt.
Some of their blooms were relunctant to face the morning sun....
But, they will bloom today.
It is their job.
It is my job to do the same.
Thank You Lord, for coming near to me this morning.
Order my steps today to share Your love.
Bless me today and let me see the way You love me.
Thank You for my life and another day to see Your goodness.
It blows my mind that You, the Creator of this world, would dance and sing over me.
But. You. Do.
I am grateful.
Just. not.
I crave good sleep and never get it. (thanks, Insomnia :P)
So, I am always really sleepy in the morning.
This morning...has been different.
Driving back from taking the boys to school...I put in a music cd that a friend of mine recently released.
I listened to the first few, good lyrics, Anthony!
Then, the song entitled, Dance With Me, came on.
My hands are shaking like a leaf,
My mind is racing, Lord, it wont sleep.
It's just been so long since Ive felt my heart beat,
So I need You, Lord to sing over me....
"Ive heard it said You're all I need, and here in Your arms is where Im complete, So I need the Calmer of Storms to calm my raging sea, So wont You come and dance with me...So wont You come and dance with me"
Now I can feel the weights fall apart
Now I can hear my beating heart
Cause, this was Your plan right from the be where we are...
"Ive heard it said You're all I need, and here in Your arms is where Im complete, So I need the Calmer of Storms to calm my raging sea, So wont You come and dance with me...So wont You come and dance with me"
As You take me hand -in- hand,
Alone on the sand and you walk with me.
Its there I can finally see,
Who I'm meant to be
As we dance forevermore.
"Ive heard it said You're all I need, and here in Your arms is where Im complete, So I need the Calmer of Storms to calm my raging sea, So wont You come and dance with me...So wont You come and dance with me"
Instantly, I felt close to God.
Just calmly in my mini van...I could relate with this singer...and I thought... "Hey, I have been there...wait a minute...I am there NOW".
This song took my racing mind to the scripture in Zephaniah 3:17 - (NKJV)
17 The LORD your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
And this morning, right in this girls mini-van, HE did just that.
As I got home, I went out and watered my flowers. I. love. flowers.
They looked as sleepy as I felt.
Some of their blooms were relunctant to face the morning sun....
But, they will bloom today.
It is their job.
It is my job to do the same.
Thank You Lord, for coming near to me this morning.
Order my steps today to share Your love.
Bless me today and let me see the way You love me.
Thank You for my life and another day to see Your goodness.
It blows my mind that You, the Creator of this world, would dance and sing over me.
But. You. Do.
I am grateful.
Check out Anthony Mossburg's cd, The Rambler!!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
It occurred to me this morning
as I washed this face of mine,
How quickly come the changes
with a little passing time
A wrinkle here, a hair turned gray
a not so lilting step
I see me growing older,
but i don't quite feel it yet
At times I nearly feel my age
at others I'm, sixteen,
So full am I of all the thoughts
and feelings in between
Who would have thought the road of life
Would twist and turn so much?
The journey makes me strong and weak and
tender to the touch.
And so this day I face the choice
that I have faced each day,
Will I be open? Teachable?
Unafraid of change?
I will embrace this moment.
Forgive my past mistakes.
And remember that just showing up is
sometimes all it takes.
I'll seek the kind of beauty
that time cannot erase,
Wisdom and experience resting on my face.
~Amy Grant
as I washed this face of mine,
How quickly come the changes
with a little passing time
A wrinkle here, a hair turned gray
a not so lilting step
I see me growing older,
but i don't quite feel it yet
At times I nearly feel my age
at others I'm, sixteen,
So full am I of all the thoughts
and feelings in between
Who would have thought the road of life
Would twist and turn so much?
The journey makes me strong and weak and
tender to the touch.
And so this day I face the choice
that I have faced each day,
Will I be open? Teachable?
Unafraid of change?
I will embrace this moment.
Forgive my past mistakes.
And remember that just showing up is
sometimes all it takes.
I'll seek the kind of beauty
that time cannot erase,
Wisdom and experience resting on my face.
~Amy Grant
Monday, February 21, 2011
Please read is good. I got it today and read it right away just so I could have some quiet time. I am trying to do that each day now....cause I NEED IT SO! The follow devo reminds me to suck it up and be grateful. God wants to bless me....and I dont want to miss out on it because my attitude stinks. We are blessed for so many reasons in life. BUT, if we ONLY had HIM, that would be more than enough.
Im thankful for YOU God...and Im grateful for the extras that you have given to this girl. :) You are so good.
Here is the devo:
Giving Thanks
"And the LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, 'How long shall this wicked congregation grumble against me? I have heard the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against me. Say to them, 'As I live, declares the LORD, what you have said in my hearing I will do to you: your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness, and all of your number, listed in the census from twenty years old and upward, who have grumbled against me, not one shall come into the land where I swore that I will make you dwell, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. But your little ones, who you said would become a prey, I will bring in, and they shall know the land that you have rejected.' ' " - Numbers 14:26-31
Life is all about choices.
Attitude is our first one. When I encounter a situation that is not what I think it should be, I must choose to see it like the proverbial glass half-full or the glass half- empty. Those two perspectives take me to two very different places depending on my attitude.
God cares very much about our choice between a negative attitude full of complaining and a grateful attitude full of faith. Apart from the Cross of Christ itself, I believe the most radical thing that He ever did in Scripture is in Numbers 14 where He said to a whole generation of His own children, "I can't take your grumbling anymore. Go on back into the wilderness and die." He loved these people; He miraculously and dramatically rescued them. But no matter what He did for them, they flat-out refused to stop their chorus of whining.
So, God decided to give their kids the blessing that they wouldn't let Him give to them. All because they refused to look at their situation with a grateful attitude. Very simply, God would have been pleased if they had listed all the ways He had protected and cared for them and then shouted a heart-felt, "Thank You, Lord." Their gratitude would have changed history.
Even pagans see the impact of a thankful attitude. Tune in to the talk show circuit and you'll hear this same word on the top of everyone's list on how to have a better life. A God-centered, faith-oriented, grateful life is a healthier, happier life—this from people who don't even know the Lord. Just imagine the joy available for those of us who are His own.
Yes, joy flows when you stop harping on the present, perhaps difficult circumstances and turn your attention to the blessings that are yours in Christ Jesus. How? Start by giving thanks for all that you have received from Him. Be personal and specific, rehearsing His faithfulness from big things to small. Like a fragrant offering, your gratitude rises to God and blesses Him and in turn, His blessing fills you with such faith that the pattern of your life turns from complaining to thankfulness.
© 2011 Walk in the Word.
Im thankful for YOU God...and Im grateful for the extras that you have given to this girl. :) You are so good.
Here is the devo:
Giving Thanks
"And the LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, 'How long shall this wicked congregation grumble against me? I have heard the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against me. Say to them, 'As I live, declares the LORD, what you have said in my hearing I will do to you: your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness, and all of your number, listed in the census from twenty years old and upward, who have grumbled against me, not one shall come into the land where I swore that I will make you dwell, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. But your little ones, who you said would become a prey, I will bring in, and they shall know the land that you have rejected.' ' " - Numbers 14:26-31
Life is all about choices.
Attitude is our first one. When I encounter a situation that is not what I think it should be, I must choose to see it like the proverbial glass half-full or the glass half- empty. Those two perspectives take me to two very different places depending on my attitude.
God cares very much about our choice between a negative attitude full of complaining and a grateful attitude full of faith. Apart from the Cross of Christ itself, I believe the most radical thing that He ever did in Scripture is in Numbers 14 where He said to a whole generation of His own children, "I can't take your grumbling anymore. Go on back into the wilderness and die." He loved these people; He miraculously and dramatically rescued them. But no matter what He did for them, they flat-out refused to stop their chorus of whining.
So, God decided to give their kids the blessing that they wouldn't let Him give to them. All because they refused to look at their situation with a grateful attitude. Very simply, God would have been pleased if they had listed all the ways He had protected and cared for them and then shouted a heart-felt, "Thank You, Lord." Their gratitude would have changed history.
Even pagans see the impact of a thankful attitude. Tune in to the talk show circuit and you'll hear this same word on the top of everyone's list on how to have a better life. A God-centered, faith-oriented, grateful life is a healthier, happier life—this from people who don't even know the Lord. Just imagine the joy available for those of us who are His own.
Yes, joy flows when you stop harping on the present, perhaps difficult circumstances and turn your attention to the blessings that are yours in Christ Jesus. How? Start by giving thanks for all that you have received from Him. Be personal and specific, rehearsing His faithfulness from big things to small. Like a fragrant offering, your gratitude rises to God and blesses Him and in turn, His blessing fills you with such faith that the pattern of your life turns from complaining to thankfulness.
© 2011 Walk in the Word.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Reading. I want to love it...but I dont. I am so easily distracted that by the end of the paragraph, I have no idea what I have read and I have recited my To Do list in my head. UHHHH! I hate this fact. The funny thing is that I LOVE BOOKS. I love to buy books. I love their concepts. I love all the work put into them. I love the encouragement they give. The places they take me....I just cannot focus well and soon give up on the reading.
So....I dont like I dont do it! Makes no sense. The desire is there. The admiration of the piece of art that a book is to there....but I lack in motivation.
This is where DISCIPLINE is coming into my life right now.
Basically, I am beginning to make myself do the things that I dont FEEL like doing...but know those things are good for me and will enrich my life. Reading His word, eating better, exercise, quality time with my husband and kids, blogging, just things that are good....things I need....but are NOT demanded like the rest of life.
I want MORE of God.
I want to be closer to my Sweet Husband.
I want to enjoy my boys.
I want to be healthy.
I want to have self control when there is cake and icing in the house.
I want to journal and blog to encourage others around me.
No one demands these things......I think it is time for me to step up and demand them!
So....I dont like I dont do it! Makes no sense. The desire is there. The admiration of the piece of art that a book is to there....but I lack in motivation.
This is where DISCIPLINE is coming into my life right now.
Basically, I am beginning to make myself do the things that I dont FEEL like doing...but know those things are good for me and will enrich my life. Reading His word, eating better, exercise, quality time with my husband and kids, blogging, just things that are good....things I need....but are NOT demanded like the rest of life.
I want MORE of God.
I want to be closer to my Sweet Husband.
I want to enjoy my boys.
I want to be healthy.
I want to have self control when there is cake and icing in the house.
I want to journal and blog to encourage others around me.
No one demands these things......I think it is time for me to step up and demand them!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I think the clutter is reproducing in my house. How do we get so much stuff? I have stored stuff in the places that I need to put current stuff away. It is overwhelming. I get to a point to where I want to just sleep and not think about it. It almost depresses me. Maybe it actually does a little? It is not is stuff. Some neatly stacked....some shoved unto cabinets and closets so tightly that I have to quickly close the door so it all stays in. goal - beginning today is to clean one closet, cabinet or drawer a day for a while. We will see how I do.
Today is the hall closet.
Wish me luck.
Today is the hall closet.
Wish me luck.
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